Information on the processing of personal data

Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13 of European Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”), we hereby provide you with the following information relating to the processing of the personal data that you provide to us.  

  1. Data controller

The data controller is Rancilio Group S.p.A with sole shareholder (Tax Code and VAT no. 09784580152), with registered office in Parabiago (MI), Viale della Repubblica no. 40, telephone no. +39 0331408200, email address and certified email address (PEC) (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).

  1. Personal data

Personal data means any information that concerns you and is attributable to you.
Specifically, the processing will concern the following data: name, surname, country of origin, email address, as well as any information about the product sector of reference, the services and products of interest (hereinafter referred to as the “Data”). 

  1. Purposes of processing 

Your Data will be processed for the following purposes: 

  1. sending communications containing informational, commercial and promotional content, via email and newsletter, regarding the Company’s products, services and events;
  2. analysis of your interests, buying and consumption habits, and tastes to allow the Company to personalise the offer of its products and services, as well as to send additional commercial and promotional communications in line with these preferences.   
  1. Legal basis of processing

The processing of your Data for the purposes indicated in point 3) above is based on the legal basis of the consent you have provided (art. 6.1 a) of the Regulation). 

  1. Data processing procedures

Within the scope of the purposes indicated in point 3) above, the processing of your Data will be performed in both traditional hard copy form and with electronic tools, in compliance with the regulatory provisions on the processing of personal data, adopting the appropriate security measures. The processing of your Data will be managed by staff within the Company who carry out activities that are related and instrumental to the management of the relationship (for example, staff operating in the administrative, marketing, commercial and IT offices) who are specially authorised, trained and briefed to ensure the adequate security and confidentiality of said Data, as well as to avoid any risk of loss and/or destruction thereof and access thereto by unauthorised parties.

  1. Communication and dissemination of Data

Your Data will not be disclosed. Your Data may, within limits strictly relevant to the purposes indicated in point 3) above, be communicated to: Public Administration bodies, including in the case of checks and inspections, Ali Group Holding S.r.l., Judicial Authorities, as well as other parties who are entitled by law or regulation. Your Data may also be communicated to subjects specifically appointed as Data Processors (individuals or entities that process data on documented instructions from the Company such as, by way of example, IT companies that carry out maintenance activities on the computer systems, programs, platforms and applications in use by the Company, as well as consultancy and service firms for the development of landing pages). An up-to-date list of Data Processors is available at the Company’s registered office.

  1. Data retention period

Your Data will be kept for the period of time strictly necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes for which it was collected. Specifically, any Data processed for the purposes referred to in point 3) above:

  • letter a) will be kept for a period of 24 (twenty-four) months from the date of its collection;
  • letter b) will be kept for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of its collection;

without prejudice, in any case, to your right to revoke consent as per point 8) below.

  1. Rights of the Data subject

In reference to your Data, you have the right to ask the Company, with the procedures indicated in the Regulation and without prejudice to the provisions and limitations as per Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (Part I – Title I – Paragraph III):

  • to provide access, in the cases provided for (art. 15 of the Regulation);
  • to correct inexact Data and integrate incomplete Data (article 16 of the Regulation);
  • to erase the Data for the cited reasons (article 17 of the Regulation), for example when it is no longer necessary for the purposes indicated above or is not processed in compliance with the Regulation;
  • to limit the processing for the cited cases (article 18 of the Regulation), such as when the exactness of the Data is disputed and its correctness needs to be verified;
  • to transfer the Data, i.e. the right to receive the Data, in the cited cases (article 20 of the Regulation), in a commonly used structured format that is readable by an automatic device and to transmit such Data to another Data Controller;
  • to object to its processing in the cited cases (article 21 of the Regulation).

As the processing of Data is founded on consent, you are also entitled to revoke your consent at any time without compromising the legality of consensual data processing operations carried out prior to the revocation. In addition, to stop receiving newsletters and communications with commercial and promotional content, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the “Click to unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each communication. 

You can exercise all of these rights by emailing the Company at or by sending a registered letter to the address of the Company’s registered office.

  1. Redress

If you feel that the processing of your Data violates the provisions contained in the Regulation, you have the right to lodge a compliant with the Authority for the protection of personal data as per article 77 of the Regulation.

  1. Reason for providing the Data

The provision of your Data is optional for the pursuit of the purposes referred to in the point 3) letters a) and b) above. Therefore, failure to provide your Data makes it objectively impossible for the Company to proceed with what you have requested (allowing you to subscribe to the newsletter, send communications with commercial and promotional content, as well as analyse interests, buying habits and tastes). 

  1. Transfer of Data

Your Data is not subject to transfer abroad; it is stored at the Company’s headquarters and on servers located in the European Union.


Rancilio Group S.p.A. with sole shareholder